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The Wisconsin Administrative Register is the official publication of the updates and changes of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Wisconsin regulations are called rules, though you may hear the terms "rules" and "regulations" used interchangeably. Wisconsin administrative rules are found in the Wisconsin Administrative Code (WAC). Just like federal regulations, Wisconsin rules have the force of law. Their underlying authority comes from statutes and the Wisconsin Constitution.
The Wisconsin Administrative Code is divided into chapters, alphabetically, by agency. Agency chapters begin with an abbreviated designation for the agency name. For example, the first chapter is the "Accounting Examining Board," which has the code abbreviation Accy. The final chapter is Workforce Development, which has the abbreviation DWD − for Department of Workforce Development. The table of contents for the Code lists the full agency names and abbreviations. A menu for administrative code-related pages is available on the state legislature website.
An online version of the Wisconsin Administrative Code by the state government, is linked below.
Wisconsin Cited as St. or Rev. St. W.S.A
United States Cited as Stat. U.S.C.S.