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Business Paralegal/Legal Studies Program (Resource Guide)

This guide collects information, websites, and library resources for completing assignments and preparing for a career as a paralegal.

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni Database

screenshot nexis uni 2024 menu

  • State codes
  • State case law
  • Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)
  • Federal case law
  • United States Code Annotated (USCA)
  • American Jurisprudence 2d
  • Shepard's Citations
  • United States Treaties in Force
  • European Union and other countries - Case law and other legal information available.
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) decisions
Nexis Uni Tutorial: Basic (Natural Language) - Ask Nexis Unit a Question!
Nexis Uni Tutorial - Advanced Searching: Case Search Example
Nexis Uni Tutorial - Working with your Search Results 
Nexis Uni Tutorial - Case Searching 
Link Directly to Nexis Unit Database Below

Shepard's Reports or "Shepardizing" using Nexis Uni

You learned that it's important to double-check that your primary sources (legislative and case law - treaties, decisions of courts and tribunals, statutes, regulations) are still solid law. To do this you can use Nexis Uni to create a Shepard's Report for statutes and regulations. Nexis Uni uses Shepard's Signal Indicators to provide context about point of law on the Shepardize this document located to the right of the document.

To view a case document Click on the Title of a case in the Results list: Miranda v. Arizona:

screenshot of a case title for Miranda v. Arizona in the results list

Review the Shepard's information on the right side of the page:

screenshot case Miranda v. Arizona shepardizing instructions on right side of page

Case Searching with Nexis Uni


  • By Citation             792 F.3d 1174
  • By Parties              United States v. De Watson
  • By Topic                 DNA evidence AND postconviction testing


  • Each case is headed with a case treatment indicator (yellow triangle etc.). Case Summary/Overview box is a good place to get the quick facts and outcome. Search terms will be highlighted with a brief context. Search Within Results on the left will help narrow down to specific results.
  • Click on a case link to read the case. For example,  United States v. De Watson, 792 F.3d 1174. On the right panel of the case page, you will find reasons for Shepard's signal (green, yellow, red etc.). Shepardizing is a quick way to find the "good law" cases. To cite this case, use the the "Export Citation" link on the top.


  • Facts first. Ask what the issue is or what the principles the case stands for. Then ask how the court resolved the issue and their reasoning.  Note: Opinion does NOT equal decision. An opinion is the court's explanation for its decision; a decision either affirms or reverses the lower court or tribunal.

The Importance of Citations

What is a citation?

  • A reference system to identify the past judicial decisions on cases or other information. With a citation, one can quickly locate the full text of the case. See citation format and examples below. Case Citation Format in Reporters or Law Reports:

Plaintiff | Defendant |Volume |Reporter |Page |Court   |Year
Blackburn v. Fisk          433       F.2d        121    (6th Cir. 1971)

where "F.2d" stands for The Federal Reporter, 2nd series.  Please note that not all citations follow the full format, e.g., 834 N.E.2d 432. Also, one case could have more than one citations, for example, all of these four citations 834 N.E.2d 432; 162 Ohio App. 3d 642; 2005 Ohio 4331;  2005 Ohio App. LEXIS 3932 refer to one case.   

Find Law Journals in NexisUni

Find Law Journals in Nexis Uni

                e-document icon





  • Wisconsin Law Review
  • Marquette Law Review
  • Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society
  • Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review
  • Harvard Law Review
  • ABA Journal
  • ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law

Basic Research Tips

Nerd Alert! - Research is Fascinating!

icon detective

Research is like detective work and can be very rewarding.

The research process is something you can learn and practice. Some topics require more persistence than others, but that's totally normal!

  1. Understand your assignment and what is required of you to successfully complete it.
  2. Begin your research with secondary sources: encyclopedias, law reviews, treatises, restatements. These background sources provide an overview of a topic, as well as explain, interpret and/or analyze aspects and issues of the law. They often have citations to primary sources.
  3. Read the material. Read it again. Underline or highlight key facts.
  4. Take notes! Create a list of facts: identify your jurisdiction, field and type of law, etc. Underline legal research terms. Note-taking now, reduces stress later.
  5. Double-check that your primary sources (legislative and case law - treaties, decisions of courts and tribunals, statutes, regulations) are still solid law. Shepardize or KeyCite!

Credo Reference - Background Information

Credo Reference Database for Background Information on a Case

credo reference search box

Although databases may look different, they all have the same basic structure, filters, and tools - search boxes, filters to eliminate articles that aren't relevant, email or share tools, and  of course, cite tools. Be on the look out for them!

article Richards v Wisconsin

You can link directly to Credo Reference, below. Reminder - you will be prompted to login in with your Western ID.

Search Credo Reference by Topic

Is there a new term or concept that you are confused by or just kind of hazy on? Using Credo Reference is a great way to get clarification about new terms and concepts you come across in your course reading or other research. Do a basic search of terms or concepts to find definitions and short articles that explain what they mean.

  • immigration law
  • employment law
  • family law
  • probate; estate law
  • trusts' wills and trusts
  • rights; human rights
  • death penalty; capital punishment
  • Juris doctor; lawyer
  • Bar association

When you see TOO MANY RESULTS use the filters to narrow your search.

credo Reference Filters

Legal Books in Credo Reference 

pillars icon

eBooks at Western Library

Western Library's Website

ibrary catalog screenshot

 Click the red box Find Books (Catalog).

Search Terms:  law OR legal.

screenshoot legal books in library catalog


How to Use Western Library Databases

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