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OER and ZTC by Subject (A-Z)

Continuously updated list of curated resources, examples, and ideas for OER and ZTC materials,ZTC and OER course materials..

ZTC / Library Databases and LibGuiides

Western Library Databases for Writing and Literature (ZTC)

Library Databases are an excellent resource for essays, short stories, and poetry.  For example, MasterFILE Complete (EBSCO) provides Full-Text access to many of the short stories and essays compiled in anthologies for Norton and other textbooks from magazines like Atlantic, New Yorker, Harpers' and more!

Try an author search and see what's there!
MasterFILE Complete Author Search

OER Literature

OER - University of North Georgia

Cover ImageWrold LiteratureCompact Anthology of World Literature  

In a world literature class, there is no way that a student can be equally familiar with all of the societies, contexts, time periods, cultures, religions, and languages that they will encounter; even though the works presented here are translated, students will face issues such as unfamiliar names and parts of the story (such as puns) that may not translate well or at all. Since these stories are rooted in their cultures and time periods, it is necessary to know the basic context of each work to understand the expectations of the original audience.
The introductions in this anthology are meant to be just that: a basic overview of what students need to know before they begin reading, with topics that students can research further. An open access literature textbook cannot be a history book at the same time, but history is the great companion of literature: The more history students know, the easier it is for them to interpret literature.


Western Technical College

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