Use the link below to access Western Library's tutorial about finding information using the database, Business Insights: Global as well as additional video tutorials and transcripts created by Gale.
Note: This video was created by staff at Shapiro Library - Southern New Hampshire University
This tutorial shows you how to use background information, sample plans, and templates within Gale Business: Entrepreneurship to support the process of writing a business plan.
Business Gale (OneFile) is a comprehensive business resource for academic researchers seeking company news, creating & evaluating business strategy, making personal investment decisions, or choosing their business major or concentration.
Search all four of EBSCO's business databases at the same time, choose the EBSCO Databases, All link above and then select the checkbox to the left of any or all of the following databases:
MasterFile Complete and Academic Search Premiere carry trade and association magazines and publications
A giant database that covers a wide range of topics. Use it to find peer-reviewed scholarly articles, as well as articles from trade journals, newspapers, and magazines.