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Business Entrepreneurship (Assignment Guide)

Recommended resources and strategies for completing the research for your Entrepreneurship Business Concept Project.

Credo Reference Database - Background Information

Using Background Information to Choose aTopic

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As you read articles in Credo Reference, notice the things that grab your attention or spark your interest. These ideas make ideal topics for research papers, presentations, or projects.

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Example: You are skimming through articles about Time Management, a very broad topic. You can't do the entire topic justice in just a few pages or in a speech or a presentation so you need to narrow your focus. In one article, you notice the sentence:

"For individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), the time management process can be very challenging to complete independently. Some individuals with ASDs may need explicit teaching with initial or ongoing support to manage their time effectively."

You begin to think about about what kinds of strategies might be effective when working with people with ASDs. Congratulations!! You just found a more narrowed focus for your research paper, presentation, or project.

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Continue to explore Credo Reference for information about Time Management as it relates to people with autism spectrum disorders. When you feel comfortable with your overall understanding of the topic, you can move on to find scholarly article that cover the topic. 

Background Information: Keywords + Mind Map and Filters

Credo Reference is a great starting point for background information.  You will use background information to introduce your topic to your audience and provide them with the context to fully understand your presentation. Background information consists of  definitions, vocabulary, basic facts, and the main ideas surrounding your topic.  Think of background information as a framework. You will build on this information with  more in-depth information you'll locate in library databases that contain articles from Newspapers, Magazines, Trade Journals, as well as Peer-Reviewed Articles from Academic Journals. 

screenshot Credo Reference time management result - article, mind map filters


Credo Reference: Definitions and Concept

Credo Reference Database

The first step in the research process is to learn the basic facts about your topic. These facts - the who, what, when, where, why, and/or  how  - of a topic is considered background information. Credo Reference database is an ideal place to find about the names of people (who), the issue and questions (what), timelines and histories (when),  places (where), reasons (why), and process (how) of almost any topic.

Credo Reference Search Box

Credo Reference - Quick Video Tutorial

Credo Reference Tutorials - Use the Tabs to Learn How to Successfully Find Information

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