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Open Western OER Fellowship Program

Information about the OER Fellowship program, including application information and the workshop information for participants.

Instructions for Publishing to WISELearn and the WTCS OER Repository

Before submitting to WISELearn:

  • Ensure that you have a final, stable web-based version of the created resource. This may be a link to published LibreTexts book, a website, a public OneDrive folder shared link, or similar. 
  • Draft or locate the description of the resource. You may opt to use the project summary from the project plan, the publication announcement written by the faculty member, or write something specifically for this use. 
  • Locate or create a cover image or screenshot of the resource to be used as the thumbnail. This is not required, but is a really good way to help with visibility and identification of the resource.

To submit to WISELearn:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using the Western Technical College Library account.
  3. Once you are logged in, click the profile image at the top right corner of the screen and select "My Groups."
  4. Choose Western Technical College
  5. Click the button near the top that says "Contribute to this Group"
    (Public page for this group is​​​​​​​)
    Screenshot of Western Technical College Group in WISELearn, with Contribute to this Group button circled
  6. If submitting a web link, choose "Submit from Web" (this will be most common). If submitting a resource from Open Author, select "Open Author."
  7. Follow the prompts to add the web link, then describe the resource, preview, and submit. Be sure to include a title and overview of the resource, add the correct author information and license, and add the appropriate subject areas, material types, tags, etc.
    WISELearn submission step 2: describe the resource
  8. After you have submitted the resource, it will be reviewed by the WISELearn team. This process may take 1-2 weeks, during which time the resource will appear under My Items but will not be publicly viewable on WISELearn. The Library email will receive a confirmation email when the resource has been approved for publication on the site.

To submit to the WTCS OER Repository:

  1. Log in to the WTCS OER Network MS Team
    If you don't have access to this network, contact Hilary Barker, OER Network Coordinator (
  2. Go to the editable WTCS OER Repository
  3. Enter the resource information into the spreadsheet in the appropriate place.

Western Technical College

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