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Business Principles of Management (Assignment Guide)

Learn to use Western Library's Business databases to find information on companies and industries.

Control and Other Definitions

What is "Control"?

Control lies at the heart of organization theory. Organizations, such as Fortune 100 or Fortune 500 companies are generally very large and have many different departments each with their own specific function. They need  policies or systems to help them sustain themselves at both the department and company levels in order to grow for the future. Organizational control provides a framework for people to work together to achieve the goals of the company. Understanding the aspects of an effective control system help company staffs and employees create better policies for both department teams as well as companies as a whole.

Control Chart for a Company

business databse
Use  the database, Credo Reference to help you clarify what specific business terms and concepts really mean. It is an excellent database for definitions and background information on business topics. Articles come from specialty dictionaries and encyclopedias. Take a look at definitions and short articles about "control" in Credo Reference.

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