Internet Basics
The resource linked in this section can help you understand the very basics of using the internet. It will cover connecting to the internet, using a web browser, using a search engine, and more. If you're not already very comfortable using internet resources, the activities and information will provide an introduction or review of some of the basic internet skills you will need as a student.
Directions: Click on the link below and review content in this tutorial, including the practice questions. If there are sections with which you already feel very comfortable, go ahead and skip these.
Internet Basics TutorialThis link takes you to a 9-lesson short course on the basics of using the internet. It covers what the internet is, how to connect to the internet, and basics of browsing the web. It also provides some practice questions to complete at the end. This course is written for the beginning internet user. If you are already comfortable with some of these skills, feel free to skip those sections of the course.
Searching for Information
There is a lot of information available via the internet and many things that we can find by searching the web. Knowing how to search for information, understand that information, and use it to answer our questions is an important part of being a successful student. The Using Search Engines page at the link below introduces this useful tool.
Directions: Visit the link below, watch the video, and read the content on the page. (If you completed the entire Internet Basics course linked above, you've already completed this content.)
Using Search EnginesThis page includes a video overview of how to search for recipes, use various search strategies, and refine your results.
When you search for information to answer your own questions, solve a problem, or complete an assignment, it's important to consider the source of the information you find to ensure that you are using high quality and trustworthy information. It's also important to keep track of and share that source along with the information. This is called citing your source or citation. Citation is an important academic skill because it builds trustworthiness, demonstrates academic integrity, and avoids plagiarism (which is taking information from other sources without giving credit).
As a student, you will learn to use particular citation styles and format citation information in specific ways. However, learning to consider and keep track of your information sources is even more important how to use these particular styles. A basic citation will include information about the information's author, title, and source. The source is often a link to the webpage where you found the information.
Citations can be used in a formal way, such as when writing an assignment or paper for a class, or informally when sharing a recipe or news article with a friend.