Need help with research or finding information? Ask a Librarian!
Your Student Learning Librarians are available to meet with individuals, small groups, and classes to support you in finding information and the right resources for your needs.
We can help you
Navigate the collections inside the library and on the library's website
Learn how to search efficiently to find books and articles in the library and electronic databases
Choose information and resources to help with assignments, papers, and projects
Figure out the right resources or people to answer your question
Connect with a Western Librarian
Chat with us LIVE (or ask our chatbot when we're offline) using the widget at the bottom of your screen
Stop by the Learning Commons to talk with a librarian in person
Need help with any part of the writing process? Connect with the Writing Center
Western's Writing Center is a great way to get feedback and suggestions on your writing and use of citations. Keri and her team can help with writing for any purpose or any class. They'll help you at any stage of the process (from brainstorming to outline to rough draft to final draft). They can also help with presentations. The Writing Center offers services on campus in the Learning Commons and also online.
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