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Business Management Capstone (Assignment Guide)

Recommended resources and strategies for conducting research for your business plan.

Learning Better with Streaming Video

Use streaming video for assignments or to better understand the course material

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College instructors all over the world use You tube to post videos about a wide variety of college subjects. Other video services, like TED and PBS do the same.

If you learn better by watching/ listening or are confused about a topic you come across in class, or simply need more information about a topic, do a YouTube search in addition to a Google search.


Use your phone to learn

Squeeze in learning throughout the day. Watch or listen while you are doing ordinary household tasks (cooking, laundry, etc), eating, riding the bus, commuting. waiting in line, in between classes,  etc.


Examples of video content for college topics and courses:cell phone icon

  • Psychology, Sociology, History, and Government
  • Accounting and Math
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Graphic Design and Digital Production Software and Concepts
  • Health Sciences 
  • Computer Science, IT Topics, and Microsoft Office 
  • MLA and APA Citations


  • Often you will see more than one video on a topic. Try out a few of them until you find one that works for you!
  • At the YouTube, PBS, or other website, type in what you need to learn into the search box. For example ---
    • a how-to topic:  "create excel dashboards" 
    • mental health topic: "living with depression" 
    • a title and author: "Girl by Jamaica Kincaid"

Check out these video sources on the web:

Western Technical College

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