

1. Know your tools

  • Have the technology you'll need - laptop or campus computer labs and a stable internet connection.
  • Be able to open and use Blackboard, Zoom, and other tools required for your class
    • Need Help? Check out the Learning Commons which is located in the Student Success Center and at the link in you Blackboard course.

2. Get organized

  • Organize your schedule.
  • Map out time for each of your online and on-campus classes
  • Be prepared to attend live online lecture sessions via Zoom if required
  • Check Blackboard, your syllabus, and your email for details from your instructors on upcoming assignments, testing changes, and other course expectations
  • Check for regularly schedule course requirements - weekly expections, assignments, due dates, etc

3. Learn about about support resources

4. Take care of your health and well-being

  • Strive for balance - take care to eat, sleep, and exercise to minimize stress on your body and brain
  • Find a moment to breathe and relax a few times a day
  • Step back and regroup when you start to feel frustrated or overwhelmed
  • Reach out for the help or support you might need - start with the Learning Commons