How the course reserve textbook collection works...
We provide access to some textbooks as library ebooks that can be accessed online for free. The Learning Commons also has a collection of physical textbooks on reserve behind the front desk. These textbooks may be borrowed for use while you are in the Learning Commons. This guide has more information and ways to save money using library resources.
Want to see if we have your textbooks?
First, search for the title or your course number in our library catalog to see if we have an ebook or print version available. You can also stop by the Learning Commons and/or ask a librarian for help.
If it's not in our catalog or collection, Western's eCampus shop is the best resource for learning about purchase or rental options for print or electronic textbooks.
Are you an instructor?
We always welcome additions to our course reserves. Instructors or department staff can drop off a copy of the textbook at the Learning Commons and we'll put it on reserve for your course. We are also working on expanding access to our digital course reserves collection. and would also be happy to help you explore open and/or affordable educational resources as an option for your course. Please contact the library or one of your librarians to start the conversation.