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AMA 11 Citation & Style

Brief guide with resources for citing using AMA 11.

References - Quick Tips

  • Number references consecutively with arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text.
  • If the citation extends to a second line, do NOT indent (as in APA).
  • Author names are written as Lastname FirstinitialMiddleinitial with no punctuation in between (e.g. Slade SC). Use commas between names if there are multiple authors.
  • Journal titles are abbreviated and in italics. Use the NLM abbreviations for journal titles (link below)
  • For title of journal article: capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns
  • For journal page numbers and dates: year followed by a semicolon; the volume number and the issue number (in parentheses) followed by a colon; the initial page number, a hyphen, the final page number followed by a period and are set without spaces.
  • URLS / DOI: use the DOI whenever available (this is preferable to the URL), but include a URL is there is no DOI


1. Slade SC, Finkelstein DI, McGinley JL, Morris ME. Exercise and physical activity for people with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: a systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2020;34(1):23-33. doi:10.1177/0269215519877235

Where to Find Journal Title Abbreviations

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