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Chicago Citation & Style

Guide to citing sources using Chicago/Turabian Style

Published Interviews

Citing Published Interviews in Chicago Style

You may come across an interview in either text, audio, or video formats. Published interviews are cited in both footnotes/endnotes and bibliographies. When citing published interviews, include the following information:

  • Name of person interviewed
  • Title of interview (if titled)
  • Name of interviewer
  • If a journalTitle of journal, volumeissue number, date of publication 
  • If a broadcastTitle of program and date of broadcast
  • Page number of quotation (if in print)
  • DOI or URL (if online)
  • Format (if audiovisual)

Format:  Interview found in a database journal:

Interviewee's LastName, FirstName. "Title of Interview." By Interviewer's FirstName LastName. Journal Tile, volume, no. issue Date. .Page Numbers.URL.

As with other less common citation types in the Chicago style, adapt the structure of the formatting formula for the resource type your interview is found in (e.g., podcast, television broadcast, radio news program, etc.). For example, for a podcast or video you would replace the name of the journal with the name of the podcast, etc.

Example: Pennell, Victoria. “Feature Interview: Victoria Pennell, Retiring Editor of Resource Links Journal.” Canadian School Libraries Journal 4, no. 1 (Winter 2020): 1–4.

Citing Unpublished Interviews in Chicago Style

Unpublished interviews can be cited within the text or in a footnote. They are rarely included in the bibliography (however, be sure to check with your instructor first). The following is important information to include when citing unpublished interviews:

  • Name of person interviewed
  • Identifying information, if relevant
  • Name of interviewer
  • Place of interview (if known)
  • Date of interview (month, day, year, if known)
  • The word transcript or recording (if applicable)
  • Location of transcript or format of recording (if applicable)


Interviewee's FirstName LastName (identifying information if applicable), brief description of interview type to Interviewer FirstName LastName (or author), InterviewPlace, InterviewDate.

Example: FOOTNOTE 

24. Jeanette Rodriguez, e-mail message to author, July 31, 2023..

Unattributed Interviews

When citing unattributed interviews include:

  • appropriate description of person interviewed
  • date of interview

Format:  Footnote

Interview with Identifying information about Interviewee, InterviewDate.

Example: Foornote

10. Interview with health care worker, March 23, 2020.

Private Social Media Correspondence

References to conversations shared in privately shared social media such as direct messages or posts shared within a limited circle, are usually included in the text of an essay, or provided in a footnote.

Example: In-Text Citation

Though inconclusive, a photograph shared by Seamus Harrington with the author, demonstrated that the group may have been present at the rally. 

Example: Footnote

7. Facebook direct message to author, September 29, 2024

Additional Details

The social media address (or similar) belonging to the individual making the private comment should be omitted unless permission from its owner is granted.

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